Mexico Insurance Information



Why Purchase Mexico Car Insurance

Although some U.S. auto insurance policies cover you in Mexico, in the event of an accident the Mexican authorities do not recognize U.S. insurance providers and you risk being detained or having your car impounded…

Frequently Asked Questions

Get all you Mexico Car Insurance questions answered in our easy to use FAQ section. Find information on questions about how to use our site, what is LIABILITY ONLY Mexico Car Insurance coverage and many more…

How to Use

Our site is simple and easy to use. Get a free quote, purchase and print your online Mexico Car Insurance policy in minutes, using our safe and secure server. You can purchase a Mexico Insurance policy before you leave on your trip…

Types of Vehicles our Mexico Car Insurance Policies Cover

We provide quality and affordable daily, 6 month and annual term Mexico Insurance for almost all types of vehicles including cars, trucks motorcycles, SUV’s, vans, recreational vehicles and even trailers…

Information About our Underwriters

Rest assured your Mexico Car Insurance policy is backed by top Underwriter in Mexico that has U.S. partnerships. All of our underwriters hold a rating of “A” or better by AM Best and offer 24-hour claim and information assistance…

Mexico Car Insurance Claims

Accident and Vehicle Theft In the event of theft or an auto accident we provide you with correct procedures and phone numbers you will need to contact. We also provide policy information, coverage information and claim phone numbers…

You must report all claims before leaving the Republic of Mexico. Any claim reported after leaving Mexico may be subject to a reduction of payment or denial of the claim. Insurance coverage is for tourist visitors to the Republic of Mexico. Mexican registered, licensed and plated vehicles and Mexican nationals residing in Mexico do not qualify for this type of insurance coverage. INSURANCE IS VALID ONLY IN THE REPUBLIC OF MEXICO